
Stormlight Archive - Facepalm Memes

Tools: [Line] Automatic pencil on paper | [Color] Photoshop CS3
Also in: DeviantART

A while ago I saw someone from 17th Shard mention the possibility to make some facepalm memes with that official Szeth art drawn by Mr. Inkthinker. Considering this, I almost laughed like an idiot because Szeth's pose is just so perfect! Like this:

Then I began to draw other SA characters, using exactly this pose. Till now, we have Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar and Jasnah facepalms. The most interesting part must be the sentence below the title.

I also made some Kaladin emojis. Sometimes I use them in the chatting. Ha!

And here is a Chinese version:

For Dalinar I changed the content since people are joking about his latrine ditch work (See WoK chapter 28.) here. ("Storms! I still have a ditch to chip at!")

I'll probably do more because people are asking... So, perhaps a set of Cosmere facepalm memes? Should be awesome. (And I can't wait to do a Sazed/Harmony facepalm.)

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